
Welcome to the "Blog of Wonton Burrito Meals". This isn't a blog dedicated to analyzing the Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields, nor those of Wonton Burrito Meals. Rather, it's a blog that's taking a look at every (yes, every) episode of the animated sci-fi comedy-drama Futurama, analyzing the character development and continuity within the show, as well as maybe some of the themes present.

In other words, I'm a geek, and proud of it.

This blog is most directly inspired by "Me Blog Write Good", a blog that reviewed most of the episodes of The Simpsons.

To see me do the same to other shows, go here. (This is effectively a spinoff.)

To see why I did this blog, go here.

Brief FAQ

Who are you?

I'm a bit of a Futurama fan, wasting some time and taking up some space on the apparently limitless internet to discuss this quirky, funny show.

Why isn't this blog updated more frequently?

It's my side blog. I try and update it once or twice a month.

What's Your Scoring System?

In short, 1-9.9. 10 go to the very best episodes, 0 goes to horrifically worst, and "pass score" is 5. This is unscientific - just my thoughts on an episode. More specifically:
  • 10 - Futurama's best episodes - practically perfect.
  • 9 - Close to perfect.
  • 8 - A great episode, if not as outstanding as a 9.
  • 7 - Generally good and cute, but somewhat underwhelming.
  • 6 - Mildly forgettable, but still watchable.
  • 5 - Meh.
  • 4 - Pretty weak.
  • 3 - This bends. A lot. 
  • 2 - They dropped the ball into a river, and hurled the river into space.
  • 1 - "That was so terrible, I think you gave me cancer!"
  • 0 - Worst. Episode. Ever.
What about the tags?

Most of them have something to do with the characters - episodes that focus on a character get said character tab. However, there are a few tags which I feel merit further elaboration.
  • Ensemble Episodes - These have to focus on the Planet Express crew as a whole.
  • Trio Episodes - These only have to focus on the interactions between Fry, Leela, and Bender.
  • Freela Episodes - These episode have a focus (or mark the development) of the Fry/Leela relationship.
  • Trek-Inspired - These episodes were heavily inspired by episodes of Star Trek.
  • Best Episodes - These episode are perfect, and have to earn above (not including) a 9 score to get this tag.
  • Worst Episodes - Less stringent rules - you have to rank below a 4. I have no intention to watch episodes with this tag again, unless I'm really bored.
Is Futurama the show you love most?

No, not really. That honor goes to Steven Universe, The Simpsons, Gravity Falls, and/or Red Dwarf, all of which have been reviewed on the aforementioned "other shows" blog.

So why not review those shows on a blog dedicated to reviewing those shows? Why this show having it's own blog?

I dunno - just wanted to see how I could do with this show.

These episodes aren't being reviewed in the order on Netflix! Why not?

Netflix has them in broadcast order, which is honestly messed up, for the most part. (Nice going, FOX morons!) Episodes are being reviewed in production order.

Do you know Matt Groening or David X. Cohen?

Nope. Nor do I know Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio, Ken Keller, etc. I am, in no way, affiliated with FOX.

Do you want Futurama revived for another season?

I have mixed opinions on that. I'll get to those when I get to the Comedy Central era...

...OK, maybe a miniseries or a theatrical movie wouldn't hurt.


I'm partial to Fry/Leela. It's not the main draw of the show to me, however. I'll explain my feelings a bit later on.

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